

Every angel deserves a halo, make hers even more divine with this stunning 0.50CT diamond, mined deep within the heart of the African earth. Our designers have placed this beautiful stone in a diamond halo pendant, perfectly balanced with an 18 karat solid rose gold chain – Diamond Specifications 0.50CT Near White (I) Slightly Included (SI1)

Select Payment Option

Replica Deposit (20%)

Initial Payable: R8,737

Total Payable: R43,685

1 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R8,737

Total Payable: R43,685

2 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R8,737

Total Payable: R43,685

4 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R8,737

Total Payable: R43,685

Pay in Full

Initial Payable: R43,685

Total Payable: R43,685