

Close to your heart is where this beautifully designed 18 karat solid gold chain needs to be. With a four claw O-link pendant holding a magnificent 0.50CT diamond, mined in the heart of Africa, what better place for it to be than against your warm skin – Diamond Specifications 0.50CT Near White (I) Slightly Included (SI1).

Select Payment Option

Replica Deposit (20%)

Initial Payable: R7,652

Total Payable: R38,258

1 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R7,652

Total Payable: R38,258

2 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R7,652

Total Payable: R38,258

4 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R7,652

Total Payable: R38,258

Pay in Full

Initial Payable: R38,258

Total Payable: R38,258