

Mined in South Africa, we have carefully selected a few diamonds with a total combined weight of 0.39CT diamonds which have been set in a beautifully designed 18 Karat rose gold ring. Diamonds don’t just have to be for special occasions, they can be for any occasion.

Select Payment Option

Replica Deposit (20%)

Initial Payable: R4,491

Total Payable: R22,456

1 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R4,491

Total Payable: R22,456

2 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R4,491

Total Payable: R22,456

4 Month Payment Plan

Initial Payable: R4,491

Total Payable: R22,456

Pay in Full

Initial Payable: R22,456

Total Payable: R22,456