Hold it, Love it, Buy it
Not sure about your new custom piece? Try out a replica first before deciding.
We know it can be tough when buying something so precious online, but with our new innovative “Hold it, Love it, Buy it” program, we would like to offer you the opportunity to try on, feel and experience your new custom-designed jewellery before committing fully to the purchase.
How does it work? On checkout make a deposit of 20% of the item value and tick the replica box. We will then send you an identical replica of your special design. Made out of stunning silver and cubic zirconia, you will be able to try it on in the safety of your own home and be 100% sure that you have fallen in love with your new piece of jewellery. When you are ready to go ahead, we will process the rest of your payment and our designers will get working on the real deal… Keep the replica, that’s on us. Perfect for wearing out and about or for occasions that don’t require the real thing.

Our Process
Step 1
Select your custom design jewellery
Step 2
20% deposit
Select Order a replica & 20% down payment
Step 3
Replica Sent
Replica is made in 7 working days and delivered
Step 4
Try it out
Try on your replica and pay remaining amount
Step 5
Receive the real diamond jewellery